Sunday, March 9, 2025

Spring is approaching

Blogging two Sundays in a row? WHO AM I?

I blogged after a long hiatus last Sunday with March so you may want to catch up if you missed that. You really should go read that first so this next part makes sense if you have not yet. 

I got a call on Monday that my iron infusion had been approved (yeah, the one the DR ordered 2/12 for "tomorrow" just got approved on 3/3) and scheduled for Wed. I went on Wed 3/5 for 1 of 2 iron infusions. My 2 of 2 will be on Wed 3/12 Then I have two weeks and will see the oncologist and get blood drawn again on 3/26.

 We only have four days of school this week and then we are on Spring Break!!! My new classes start tomorrow- I am only taking two this B term. One of them is online and one of them is in person on Thursdays this time. I happen to have the same teacher for both classes so that will be weird. It just said staff when I signed up and for term A it had a last name starting with G. I guess that person fell through. I have the single night class Thur. and then the college has the same week of SB as my job so that is nice. I have absolutely no idea what I will do with myself with nothing to work on for an entire week. I'm sure the spring bug will bite and I will want to garden or something that I will never follow through on. Hey, at least I am being honest.

When I was at the follow-up appointment with the midwife I received a script for a medicine to take during my cycle. I only got 24 days this time rather than the standard 28 so I am glad I picked it up right after my appointment. It is supposed to slow down the output which will hopefully help keep my iron inside of me. I just started it this afternoon- It is 6 vitamin (yuck) sized pills a day- 2 in the morning, 2 at noon, and 2 before bed. I had this med in my IV at the hospital so at least I know that my body can handle it. 

I ordered Kroger delivery last week with the intention of cooking. When it came down to it I wanted to enjoy my afternoons off of no school and not cook. So when I placed my order this week I kept that in mind and stayed with the normal easier dinners that we have been living off of. I need to stop with the takeout because money is going to run out really quickly. I only have like 7 more paychecks left till summer and I cannot work summer school like I usually do. All the extra grants and funds are exhausted so the schools are running on a bare-bones summer budget. They do not even have enough in budget to have a receptionist/clinic person. That means there will be no one to answer the phones technically.  I do know they are planning on having students do it for volunteer hours so that will help. I will also be there as free labor as part of my 120 internship hours. We barely survive when I work summer so this is going to be very hard. The good news is I just filled our taxes last week and it is just under what I would have made had I worked summer school. I must throw that in saving and not touch it. I also need to make sure to set money aside for my last class. The plan is two this term, three over the summer, and then the last class in Fall A. I cannot use PELL funds unless I take two classes but I don't want to break up the summer classes into two and two. I would rather pay cash for that last class and just take one since it will be my Capstone after all. 

Ok so might as well share my plan for dinners this week. I don't really do a Monday is X Tue is Y because I go with what I feel like making. I have lots of stuff that can be cooked but it is a matter of actually cooking it. 

Lunch:  Smoked sausage with diced golden potatoes and onions (Air-fried sheet pan meal) for me. I love this for breakfast or lunch. I just crack an egg in and heat it up if at work. I cook an egg over easy and add to the top when at home.  Hubby complains that smoked sausage is greasy. So he will have leftovers or cup of noodles for lunches. He is one who is not a foodie and just doesn't care about food. So I finally stopped trying to give him yummy stuff for lunch. 

Brats with fresh broccoli (Air fried sheet pan meal)  
Frozen chicken tenders with tater tots
Ribeye with asparagus
Something with ground beef or pork chops- I have both in freezer
Chicken wings

Good news- Mentally I am starting to feel better. As I was reading ya'lls blogs I was tempted to go to the gym. What the heck!? I don't even have a gym membership anymore. LOL, But commenting on MaryFran's blog about a certain book reminded me that I was listening to that book when I was swimming regularly. Maybe I need to sign up for a gym membership again this summer. It would be $65 for both my daughter and I to go and be able to use the pool. She loves the "teen area" which is open 4-7 M-Friday. They allow 8+ in there so she can go and enjoy the small group attention she gets when there. I think the time change is also contributing to the feeling of wanting to get out too. 

Ok off to do something productive. I have wasted half of my day already. 


  1. I have yet to be tempted to go to the gym, ha ha. I have to force myself to go. I am sure that as I see results, I will be more enthusiastic about going, so I keep going until then.

  2. Yay to a break from school and work! Enjoy it! And thank you so much for the book recommendation. I couldn't wait. I grabbed it from the library...they only had the audio book...and I started listening to it during my outdoor walk and couldn't stop so listened to it while I made dinner...and played with the dog. What they said makes so much sense! I am in total agreement thus far and it's giving me motivation!

    1. When I was going to the gym regularly I devoured that book (Eat It!) and i loved to swim and listen to it. Since I never put my head under to swim all the way I was able to listen to it still. I did buy a $40 pair of swimming bone conducting headphones but they were not the best.


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