Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mid July

 My titles suck but at least I am posting so I call that a win.

So last I left you was that I had lost 3.2 pounds and I was hoping that I could report a loss the next days as it was weigh-in day. 

I was indeed able to change it to show my small loss of .4 which made it 3.6 lbs down. You might be thinking "Wait a minute I just saw it and that is not what it says". 

You would be correct! It has now been another week and I can report my minuscule loss of .2.  Which now brings my three-week loss to 3.8 lbs. 

Tomorrow I reach level 47 and I have no idea what I am doing. I have a 3-5 page draft APA paper due on Wednesday that I have not even started yet. I have to be in the correct mindset to write. I doubt I will be in it today or tomorrow. I do at least have a simple but yummy plan in place for dinner tonight. I picked up a few packs of top sirloin at the store the other day. I have some russet potatoes in the oven currently to eat with the steaks. 

I assume I will go out to dinner tomorrow but I am unsure of where we will go. I am thinking maybe Storming Crab or KPot (all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ) The price point is similar but I have never been to KPot. 

I made sirloin steaks with baked potatoes for dinner and baked some brownies. It is my son's level up to 19 tomorrow but he just doesn't care about stuff. He is so minimalistic that he won't be upset if we don't grab him a cake or something. He never wants to go out for his birthday and would prefer Little Ceasars. 

Let's hope I can report more of a loss next week even with my birthday being here. This coming week is the last week of summer school and then I will have 20 days off before I get back to work for the school year. 


  1. I had no idea what you were talking about with "level 47" and took me a minute to realize you meant your birthday. Happy birthday! How was it? (By the way, this is Stained Glass Butterfly. I just redesigned my blog back to Sweat & Sparkle).

    1. It was OK. I didn't do anything for it. Cooked my own dinner and made brownies. My husband is not a person that shows out for anything much less birthdays so it was just another day. I didn't go around town as not to spend money before the cruise.


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