Sunday, September 24, 2023

Fresh Start

I guess I do indeed have a blank page. 

The last posts previously on this blog are from 2019.

Seeing as that is over four years ago a lot has changed.  I will not try and recap because it won't be correct. I will miss things and then feel like I need to correct them. So I will instead try and pretend I have never blogged before.  I am leaving up the archive though if you want to dig. Just know that I am a different person in a lot of aspects much as you probably are too with that big of a time gap.

Married mom of 3. My kids are 18, 15, and 7 years old. I work full-time as a substitute teacher at a local high school. I am employed by the HS so I report there every day and get my assignment for the day. Sometimes it is subbing, and others it is doing busy work. I am located in Central Florida. I am working on my AA at the local college. I have two classes left and a Civics exam. I am super stressed about one class I am currently in called Elementary Statistics. My brain just doesn't quite understand statistics. I am taking this class as a physical class and hope that will help me. I didn't do that great on the first test (D) so hopefully as the subjects in the chapters change things start clicking.

I am forever on a journey to lose weight and reduce debt. At one point I had both of those things at decent numbers.  Now they are both blown out of the water.  We do not make enough to support our bills so I am reaching for credit to make things meet. Vicious cycle. My weight is a yo-yo as well with it being up and down. I recently worked with a trainer over the summer. I did well with her as I had someone always watching what I ate. Now that I am on my own again it is too easy to reach for junk. 

I am hovering in the low 230 and I do not like it! I would feel way better if I was hovering in the 220-225 range. I am seriously considering going low carb for the week and seeing how that turns out. Not keto, as I still want potatoes and rice if I choose to have them. I need to do something because I am back in an I don't care rut. I don't want to cook. I never want to clean. I just have zero inspiration or desire currently. Unfortunately, many of you know that is a continuous issue I have. 

Currently, I have raw chicken breast sitting with spices that I plan to grill. I also plan to cut up yellow squash and grill that as well for a veggie option for me. I will be baking two pork loins for dinner- The kind that is pre-marinaded. That will give me dinner and leftovers for other lunches. I am going to do chicken and rice for my hubby and son. I will do chicken and squash for my lunches.  I will be lucky to get 6 meals (two days) out of the grilled chicken. 

I know this doesn't flow the best but my mind doesn't either.  I am off to try and experiment with the new egg rings I got and see how that works. I also want to get some hard-boiled eggs cooked.  

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Umm Whoops?


It seems that much like Stained Glass Butterfly I managed to wipe everything clean.

I got an email like two weeks ago from the hosting company I was using. They were raising the price for my 3-month hosting package. It had already gone up $6 and it was about to double!! Umm no.

So I decided to fiddle around and go to a free blog host. I looked at WordPress and remembered how much it annoyed me. So back to Blogger, I am. However, when I got the transfers all set up I did not know that I wouldn't be able to get back into my self-hosted blog. So it looks like I just lost 4 years' worth of posts. 

The only good news is that all of ya'll reading this were around the majority of that time so you know all. Probably best that some of it is lost just due to the nature of my previous job. 

Half the time I cannot remember what I blogged about anyway so you know I recap a lot. Haha!

I just wanted to throw something up so if any of you visited this weekend you wouldn't be confused as to why it is so different looking.