Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 2019 Budget

Time to introduce the budget for May 2019

We have a lot of bills. To the tune of $3405.15 a month.  As you can imagine a lot of that is credit card minimum payments.

While I love to see all the fancy pages that people have for keeping track of their budgets- I have notebook paper. Maybe when I get some of this stuff paid down I can have pretty budget pages.

I am listing the budget for the entire month. I do what I call paycheck to paycheck budgeting. I pay everything due prior to the next paycheck with the current paycheck. It works for me.

I have totaled our income for the month as well. Two paychecks for myself and two for hubby. I have no problem sharing our debt, but our income as to what came from who is another story.

I hope that you are able to make out the budget by looking at my picture. I also have the food budget listed along with what has been spent so far in the upper right corner. Four items due this month were paid with the last check of April. Just as two things due in June will be paid by the May 24th checks. I tried to separate the two checks with the highlighter line.
Click picture to enlarge.

Looking at this you will see after the bills and the food budget we will be left with $176.15 for the month. That will cover gas and misc. items like chicken food. I am not a fan as of yet of sinking funds. Maybe my views will change when I have more money to play with but as of now I see no reason to do that.

We also have a $1000 Emergency Fund fully funded along with more money set aside. Husband only gets these two full paychecks and one more partial for the year. Therefore, the set back money will have to supplement my income to help us make the bills for the summer months.

So any monies leftover from that $176.15 must go towards that.

PS. The cell phone bill looks really high but that is 5 phones plus a tablet. $25 of it is device payments. I cover 100% of the bill as two phones and the tablet are my in-laws. They are daycare for our three year old daughter. They will not accept money so I pay their portion of  the bill.


  1. Finances are super personal. I like Dave Ramsey and follow him in general (but not exactly). It's like trying to lose weight - you have to do what works for your lifestyle, I don't think it's one size fits all. And with money you might have a family/ spouse and you have to consider them as well. Good luck! It's well worth working at!!

    1. Yes!! I call myself Dave-ish because I will not be following him to the letter. Following any of his advice on a regular basis though will help anyone.

  2. My budget is on an Excel spreadsheet, nothing fancy. I can't read my own handwriting half the time, so I went one step up from notebook paper, ha ha. I was just working on my never-ending plan to pay off credit card debt before I read this. I am transferring a card with a pretty high interest rate to one with a 0% APR for 21 months, then calculated what I need to pay to get it paid off before I lose the no-interest thing...yep, a wild and crazy morning over here!

    1. Gotta do what you gotta do to whittle away on the debt. Our debt to income is horrific so I'm stuck on the snowball plan once I can free up some money to snowball. Right now it is survival and NO NEW CREDIT CARD DEBT. So far, so good!

  3. Good luck on paying down debt. That has been one of our goals for last year and this year. So far so good. It seems to go slow because we only have one income. But that is a choice we have made and we like it, so we deal with the money we have.

    I like the Ramsey plan and have followed it pretty close. Of course there have been some adjustments to fit our needs.

    1. It is a long and slow process. Much like weight loss. LOL

  4. Yeah I know that feeling of living paycheck to paycheck and I do my best to keep us ahead as much as possible on the up coming bills.

    1. It's all we can do. I'm reminded of that Hurry up and wait saying with getting out of debt. LOL

  5. I have been in the position that I had no money for sinking funds or anything for savings. I was just focused on paying the monthly bills...the biggest thing is that you are not adding any new debt! The savings and sinking funds line items will come in time!!!

    Go you! Here’s to a great financial month on May!!

    1. That is exactly what I keep telling myself. No new debt! I have a car issue right now that is hurting but hopefully right place right time today will fix it.

  6. You have taken the first step which is facing the reality of what overspending can do! I don't have credit card debt but I am helping my daughter pay off her car loan. And I would love to pay off my mortgage which is in the 6 figures.
    Since my blog is not fully anonymous, I don't get too personal on it about my money.
    Our cell phone bill is large too, but it is also 5 phones and a tablet. My oldest son pays us $71 a month toward his bill, but I don't have the heart to charge the other two because they don't make as much.

    1. Yes, yes, yes! So much waste. I am learning to look but not buy. I may still pick it up but I put it back. LOL


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