This here is my simple swan meal plan for my family. No, it is not keto. Many of them can be dirty keto modified. Or I will just eat something else. Finances and dirty keto will have to work hand in hand around here.
I work until 7 and am often not home till
7:30 or later. I am the only person in the house that is capable of cooking it seems. @@ So the meal cooking falls on me most of them time. Sometimes I can have hubby start grilling but he gets impatient quickly when it isn't cooked to his standard in his personal time frame. I can also have my son start cooking thawed ground beef to crumble but he goes overboard with that chopped utensil and I end up with fine ground beef.
Of course the kids come in while I am cooking and ask what is for dinner. That is an instant piss off for me honestly. I know they are just innocently asking but when they ask Every. Single. Night. They KNOW I don't like it so it feels like a they are just being butts.
I did overhear my 13 yr old telling hubby last night that I should make a list with what dinner is nightly so they dont have to ask. As you can imagine that went over well. I told him when he started cooking dinner I would gladly make a list for him to cook of off. If they would actually start dinner and help me out I would gladly make a list. However, I get home and they are all (hubby included) playing video games or on phones. As you can imagine that sets my mood. I get the pleasure of coming home from work to make these lazy asses dinner. No. I'm not bitter or anything. 🤣🤣🤣
As annoyed as I get I know it is my own fault. I let hubby get away with it from the start. I do intend on making, yes making, the kids learn how to cook but 13 is a bit young to me. Shush. I know it isn't but I am hoping he grows out of his playing dumb attitude ok?.
Korean beef with rice (cauli rice me)
Sausage & Peppers/Onions ×2
Brats/hot dogs on grill
Hm Pizza x2.
Tacos x2 (low carb tortilla me or salad)
Chicken & rice (cauli rice me)
Nachos or picadillo (leftover taco meat)
Boneless, skinless chicken thighs.
That is only 12 meals but there will be leftovers. Or the ever famous mac n cheese if I dont feel like cooking period.
Earlier I was thinking about thawing something for dinner but now I think I will use leftover chicken from the thighs I cooked last night for today.
I honestly cannot make a chart though even if I wanted. I have found that having a list of possible meals that can be made with what is in the house works best for me. If I try and assign a night more than 1 day in advance it just doesn't work. That item may not sound appealing that day or I just dont want to make the effort.
Ended up with pizza tonight. Here is mine.

I downloaded a new app to use in blogger let's hope the pictures work.