Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A setback

You might have noticed that my ticker dropped down 9 pounds as of the 1st of December. I have no defense (other than first day of monthly heh) That is what two months of eating whatever you want whenever you want will get ya. :insert negative noise of choice:

I do not like the fact that it dropped down so much. Those forty pounds I was down turned into thirty one way to easily. Sunday began my journey at laying off the sugar/carbs again. Just 2 days in and I am down 1.6 lbs. It is probably water weight but I don't care. I hope that next week I will be down some more.

Again because I know it will be a never ending battle against *myself/food/feelings/temptations/ blah blah* good (clean) and evil (processed/sugar) I must pick myself up and continue the fight.


  1. Breaking the habit of emotional eating isn't easy. I haven't completely broken away from this either. You know what to do to lose those pounds you've gained. You CAN do this!
    PS Love that motivational poster!

  2. That's a great start, sounds like you're getting back on track. :)

  3. Weight loss is warfare. Food knows our weaknesses and it strikes at the right time. It's hard work and I know you're doing the best you can. Keep up the good fight, you'll push the enemy back. :)


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