Well I am lieing. It was OW last night but today it isn't hurting. I have to baby it though as to much pressure on it does make it hurt. What the hell am I talking about?
Back story: We have a mini dachshund. We have a Christmas tree. We have a mini dachshund that will steal anything that falls to the floor that isn't edible and will take it to his tree cave. A few weeks ago a oven mitt fell. I didn't really worry about it and life went on. Hubby clean out the tree cave the next day and mentioned the oven mitt to me. I told him I knew about it but whatever. It seems he threw it in the wash and it got put back up on the hood vent where they are stored. I bet you can see where this is going huh? I went to pull out a pan with garlic bread one handed. Did not look at the oven mitt first and there is a nice hole in the thumb tip on said glove. There is a 2 blister burn on the tip of my thumb now.
I am off for the weekend so at least I don't have to worry about trying to work with them for now. Although to be honest there is tons of laundry to be done (ok, really only 2 loads but no matter if it is 1 load or 8 it always feels like tons) and I want to do it I am afraid of messing with these to much right now.
And the moral to this story: it's all his fault. And now YOU get to decide if I'm talking about the dog or the hubby ;)