Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I am happy to report that I found my phone this morning. Yeah, I know- You didn't know it was missing. I lost it sometime yesterday evening. I found it this morning. Looks like it spent the night outside in the rain. EKK! It was under my car some at least so it didn't get full on wet. I dried off the moisture and plugged it in for a second to check it (All the ports appeared dry) and it powered up to show that the battery was charging so hopefully I can take that as a good sign. I spent Sunday down in Fruitland Park at cousin J's baby shower so I would have been very sad to lose those pictures as they were on my phone. I even made something special for her gift that I wanted to show you all. I am a little hesitant because I want to make one for my work wife too and she reads my blog occasionally. I will just hope she is to busy to read so she doesn't spoil her surprise. LOL
Ok I will be back later to report in I guess. That might be the only thing that will get me moving today. Haha
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Not much, but it is a start! :)
The boys kept wanting to ride all the rides that the mall has. Train rides for $3 or a jumping station for $8 ? (I cannot remember- A. did it a few years ago though) There is a new ride in front of Belk that the boys did all get to ride though. It was $4.00 a person and hubbers went on with them. I stood outside and watched the black and white screen of the ride.

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They picked the Runaway Mine Ride pictured below.

Good Luck to all running the Disney Princess Half Marathon tomorrow!! Shout out to my girlfriend from high school Jennifer who is running this race tomorrow. Also for the many bloggers I read that are running as well.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
It only took 3.5 hours...
We had been playing with ideas on what we each wanted. He has been trying to shop ebay for an inexpensive new garmin 305 or higher. I haven't really thought about anything because I got the stuff I wanted for Valentine's Day (I haven't shared what yet so you haven't missed it) On Fat Tuesday we met my brother in town and went out for pancakes. Then my brother wanted some more duct tape as he is a amazon seller who is experimenting with new things to sell. ( My lil sis and her fiancee were up for the weekend and she picked up all of my duct tape and made him a bunch of duct tape roses to sell. She ended up "borrowing" grr and taking home my duct tape so he couldn't experiment with mine.) At one point we lost my brother in the store so we stayed near the back of the store. We finally found him and we all went and looked at the treadmills. One was all set up off to the side on a huge metal shelf so I figured it was on clearance. Turns out it was and there were a few boxes underneath it and they had prices. Normally $749 marked down to $595. It goes up to 12 mph and hubbers can use for his speed work as our current only does 10 mph. I tried to google reviews on it at the store but I wanted to see the treadmill in person. The way it was set up in the store you couldn't get to it.
We ran off to Dick's, Sports Authority and Sears. No one had this same treadmill in stock for us to look and try. We ended up coming home and doing our research. Overstock.com had it for over $677.09 Amazon $805.02 Turns out it is a discontinued model which makes perfect sense with the clearance. Proform.com has them on special for $1299.00 YIKES
We were able to see pictures and read reviews on it. Proform 850 t So we decided to make this our anniversary present and I went back up to Walmart at 10:30pm to grab it. Hubby stayed home as obviously the boys were asleep at that time of night. I got home at about midnight (I did some shopping first) and we got it into the house. Two people and about 3.5 hours later we had it all set up. :) While it sucked that we both only got 4 hours of sleep it was best to do without the boys around. Our living room looks like a gym right about now though. LOL Two treadmills and a recumbent bike.
Here is the console if you don't like to click links.
It has iFIT technology but we are so not paying for that. It also has a fan that hits hubby perfectly. It barely skims the top of my head though. It is soooooo quiet which is exactly what I hoped that it would be! If I ever want to get on in the morning I won't be so worried about waking up B.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Drugs are bad MMKKK?
OH MY GOSH what a nightmare of a night!!
I got home from work after working a 10 hour shift and driving in a mini monsoon. I walked into a cluster frick of a night. If it wasn't the 6 year old who's homework looked like ass. Then it was the 3 year old who was acting like a 2 year old with not getting his way and wanting to play and not eat dinner. He is a touch miserable (sick and whiny) but he doesn't realize that is why he is so whiny. Then it is the husband who is stressing over a full day of online school work and quizzes that needed to be done before 11pm who is yelling at the kids for breathing it feels like (so that makes us fight because I am telling him to chill the frick out!)- Oh yeah, he is feeling like ass himself so that isn't helping A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G!! So needless to say waayyyyyy to much crap food has entered my mouth tonight. :( What isn't helping either is that we are both tired and running on 4 hours of sleep.
Friday, February 17, 2012
We are the backwards family
Thursday, February 16, 2012
And the winner of oddest lunch today is?
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.
A serving of Terra chips (sweet potato) dipped into a mashed avocado half.
I told ya it was weird! Very filling though. For some reason avocados really fill me up. Must be all the yummy fat. :-D
BAD eats!
The only good part is that I did get in mucho steps yesterday. We went to Sam's Club and Best Buy.... :P (future post about that)
In case your wondering
All from Sam's Club
Fountain drink cherry coke x 2
45% of a salt soft pretzel
After we got home
2 large slices of Sam's Club supreme pizza
1 macadamia and white chocolate chip cookie
2 smaller mini m&m cookies.
Can we say CARB FEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even blame my period! The good news is I have no desire for any of the above today (well except the soda- I am a soda-holic even though I know how very bad it is for me) I wish places had diet cherry coke!
Now I must shower and get ready for work. I also need to find an address and get a care package out for my girlfriend who is running the Half Princess Marathon next week. I have been slacking on keeping in touch with her lately so I hope this is a pleasant surprise for my friend. Fairy dust and all!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Achy hips?
I know I cannot be the only one with this pain so I figured I would ask the audience. Do your hips ever hurt? Deep achy pain that comes and goes that you cannot seem to pinpoint a cause for?
I don't recall ever having hip pain until a few months ago. I am pretty positive I had a silent (symptomless) bladder infection. I didn't have the normal wee wee problems but the lower back pain was killer. It seemed to spread out into the hips as well. I should have gone to the ER but I kept putting it off thinking that other people needed to be there more than I. I self treated as much as I could with water flushing and taking care of myself and set a feel better deadline. I did start to feel better and the lower back pain subsided. However the hip pain comes and goes periodicaly and I cannot figure it out. Sometimes my body is just tired which makes sense. Others there is no reason why they should hurt. I don't walk extreme amounts. Sometimes I stand for hours but then my feet hurt, not the hips. I have been at my job 5.5 yrs now so nothing new there.
Anyway as I said I figured I would bounce off of you all.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Self Perception
I have wanted to do a blog post about this for a long time now. I always assumed I had a poor self perception of myself. Apparently I must have a decent one. I might see a picture of myself that I think is horrible but I accept it. Because I know just because I think I look horrible someone else may not. I just try not to dwell on that kind of stuff. That said, I am sad because I have to distance myself from someone that I really enjoy knowing online. I cannot handle the negative self view that they have of themselves- It truly upsets me.
I am fat, I know I am fat. I could never say I love my body. I sure as hell do not hate it though. When I was thin (yeah, for a whole 8 months) I still felt fat. I have seen countless people say that they felt fat at their thinnest. I just cannot ride that train of self loathe. Maybe I am naive or maybe I have just grown past that point in my life. Maybe it is because I have been chubby from about age 6 and up.
I do have those days where I feel really cute. Then catch a glimpse at myself in the mirror out somewhere and do that internal "UGH" I do not dwell on it though. I think those thoughts and move on. I have a beautiful family and a loving husband so I must have done something right. They love me for me- not for how fat or thin I am.
Happy Valentine's Day from my family to yours!!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
How do you Brooks?
Hubby is a Brooks ID member so we have a plethora of boxes laying around. What we have here is a Brooks Ravenna 2 box, 5 empty soda cans, a few fast food napkins that were just hanging out, a empty paper towel roll, the lid to a 100 ct cookie cutter tub, and 2 empty toilet paper tubes. Plus a fair amount of duck tape as well. The ears can flop and the tail does move up and down as well.
After we snapped this picture I happened to catch a glimpse of the rear end of the "fireman dog" as my son calls it. I of course busted out laughing!!!!
Wouldn't you?
Saturday, February 11, 2012
1am and I am wiiiiide awake
Today was my day off and I had high hopes of starting a project. Hubby had his 5k this morning and we were going to work on my project when he got home. After two hour of google to find the right components we would need to get I decided to put this project off till Valentine's Day and deal with it later. A lovely nap then ensued and then we met my brother in town for dinner. :)
I tried to install a new comment system on my blog but I don't really like how it looked so it went bye bye. I think I fixed the feed issue I was having as well. I hope I did at least! Really frustrating to see my posts not updating on peoples blog lists.
If your hitting my blog for the first time because I commented on yours. Hi! LOL I like to read running blogs even though I do not run. Because my husband is a runner it helps me connect/understand him. By reading your blogs I am able to mentally feel as if I am running with you . In my mind I am a runner- not in my body though. I just do not enjoy running at alllll. Hell, in my mind I am a lot of fantastically wonderful things actually. Are you better at anything in particular in your mind than you are in real life?
I saw the picture below on facebook the other day and I couldn't help but crack up as I imagine I would look and feel like the little girl if I ran.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Just another day
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Not feeling it
Usually a lack of blog posting is a baaaad thing for me. In this case though it is just a not feeling it. My eating is good and hell I even did ten minutes on stationary bike last night. The maid of honor posted the bridesmaid dress pictures to fb of her and I. She is a size four so everything looked great on her. Me 'eh not so much. I feel like they all look like tents. Blah
I may share them in the future as a before and after. I don't do humiliation well so no presharing unless your on my facebook. Right now I am off to bed. A certain little visitor is here and this is basically hell weekend for me at work. My supervisor did come in for most of the day this afternoon to help which was much appreciated. No to hopefully be asleep in the next few minutes. Good night!