Today was my day off and we attended cousin Na (6 yrs old today) birthday. I will use Na for him and No for the other cousin who is 3 since I will not put their names on the net. It was a bowling party at a alley in Lady Lake. I missed out on pictures even though I brought my camera. ::stomps feet:: I forgot I had stolen 2 of the batteries for the wii mote when hubby was running Disney. I need to steal some pictures from family members to post from the party.
Afterwards we tried to go get the boys haircuts but the place was packed!
Instead we went to TooJays and discovered a International Festival that was going on in the square. There were some people there selling fresh kettle corn. They provided free samples. OMGoodness that was deeeelicious! I don't like kettle corn (I thought- but I had only had the microwaved kind) at least I thought I didn't. LOL Hubby wanted a bag so we bought a bag of that yumminess for him to snack on later. Now I just have to ignore it!
Here are three pics from the festival.
Hubbers and B. A was to scared to go stand by the people on stilts. Even with them calling his name and telling him they won't bite.

Random lady that wanted to get a picture between the legs of a stilt walker. After she was done she grabbed his butt and he replied with "Hey, You were supposed to buy me dinner first!" Then this happened.
The random man to the right asked the lady if he could take a picture holding on to her boob. She of course replied with a "Uhh No!" LMAO
We walked around for a while then ate. Round two for haircuts and now both boys are sporting new doo's. Here they are just out of the shop
After we roughed up their haircuts to show what they really will look like. LOL
Then a quick trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to look for towels.
We have a towel monster or something as I cannot find them. (Of course I have not looked under A's bed yet so who knows.) LOL We didn't find much there so off to Tar-jay. We actually didn't pick up any towels at all but a bunch of other stuffs. We are now the proud owners of a Magic Bullet. :) We eyeballed the ninja's too but our phones were dead so we couldn't google reviews. Picked up some supplies to make smoothies and headed home. Hubby has already made a smoothie that he enjoyed. I made some SF fruit whipped cream that was yummy. In reading reviews I see that it is recommended to only use it for softer stuff so we till probably adhere to that advice.
Do you have a Magic Bullet? What do you like to make in yours?
PS. is dark still for some reason and it is realllly annoying me. I did repurchase the site and have a forward set up on it but I guess it is going to take the full 48 hours to kick in. Grrrr!
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